Health Problems Caused By Use Of Computers

One more occupational hazard! Health problems caused by use of computers is increasing. I may be late but I want to say it nevertheless.

That this is computer age. From writing a letter in the office to choosing the color to paint your living room its computer in use all the way.

And it doesn’t look like there is any escape from computers or a more suitable replacement for them at least in the near future.

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Cervical Dysplasia Is Not Cancer

If you or anyone you know has been diagnosed with Cervical Dysplasia, please remember that it is not the same as being diagnosed with cancer.

It could be a pre-courser or there is a possibility that it may develop into cancer of the cervix.

However, that too only your doctor can confirm after checking out the degree and depth of Cervical Dysplasia.

Cervical Dysplasia is not a cancer and it is curable.

You will find useful information about the illness, its treatment and effects.

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Progress of My Broken Ankle

It is now over three months since I broke my ankle. I thought by now my broken ankle will be healing and I would back on my own two feet walking normally but that must have been wishful thinking.

I wear an air boot which is heavy and looks a bit like something out of space but it does enable me to get around easier.

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Tea without Milk! Is our Daily Cuppa Under Threat?

Now the Brits daily cuppa is under fire with tea without milk OUTRAGEOUS It’s like telling the people in the US to eat their pancakes without maple syrup.

Have we reached a stage where we have to dissect everything we eat and drink just to stay in the land of the living! Oh dear, what are we coming to?

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Lasik Eye Surgery Risks

Lasik Eye Surgery helps people with glasses reduce their dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Lasik eye surgery in majority of cases enjoys a high level of success and failure rates are about 1% per eye. Though the success rate is high but chances of other complications may affect your vision, which are not considered’ as failures. Like, the patient’s vision may be reset after the surgery as 20/20, but she could experience visual disturbances like ghost images or haloing.

Sometimes it has also been seen that the patient and surgeon have different ideas of what success means. Unreasonable expectations from Lasik eye surgery also cause disappointment.

Lasik is relatively a new surgical procedure, and is undergoing research constantly to ensure better results. Continue reading “Lasik Eye Surgery Risks”

Tea Tree Oil the Housewives Jewel

Although many people have heard of tea tree oil they may not realize that the properties it contains can cure many ailments.

It also has many uses and it is a very useful addition to the household.

On the medical side can be used to heal blisters, reduce the swelling from insect bites and stings and it is excellent for cleaning and healing any cuts or abrasions. It will cure a sore throat and those nasty cold sores that appear on your lips etc.

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Everyone Over 20 Should Visit Doctor for High Cholesterol Test

Cholesterol is a type of fat. Cholesterol is an important requirement of our body as it helps in performing and supporting many important functions like producing new cells. Where low Cholesterol results in lower production of new cells required towards growth and smooth functioning of body, high cholesterol increases the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

The main reason for being diagnosed with high cholesterol is a result of eating wrong diet – A diet too full of saturated fats cholesterol. High cholesterol can also result from an inherited condition. Eating a healthy diet, continuing with physical activities and taking cholesterol-lowering medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

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Dealing with Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is one problem, which affects 90% of us at some point or the other. So much so that we think of growing old and blood pressure in the same breath.

We shall discuss causes of blood pressure and what will help us to deal with it best. Blood pressure should never be allowed to rise, should never be taken casually.

Some of the causes of blood pressure may include, quality of lifestyle. Things like, eating a high-grain, high-sugar diet, lack of exercise, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and taking excessive stress.

Most of these factors are things we have control over. We can shift to a better diet, we can include exercises in our routine, we can avoid stress etc.

Avoiding stress is the most important factor to fight blood pressure. The more stress we take the worse the blood pressure situation gets. The best thing therefore, and first thing also is to avoid stress. Continue reading “Dealing with Blood Pressure”