Should I Take Viagra or Permanent Shockwave Treatment

Erectile dysfunction is one of the most nightmares for any man, but there is a new technique call Neovascularization, which is an erection treatment with permanent shockwave treatment.

Shockwave therapy is an acoustic wave system that is improving the blood flow increases and helps the damaged tissues to regenerate and repair again.

As a result, you can get back to your average status within only a few sessions of using shockwave treatment, which is harmless and painless instead of using Viagra with many side effects.

What is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave Treatment is a non-harmful treatment that creates low energy acoustic waves pulsations which applies to injured or damaged body tissues.

The sound waves technology, which is capable of breaking down kidney and gallstones been used in urology for many years, and now they are using the same technique to repair the damaged tissues and blood flow to resolve the erection dysfunctions.

It is a high powered sound wave acoustic that sends into bone or soft tissues to allow the body to regenerate the blood vessels and cells and as a result of re-healing its muscles naturally.

The primary purpose of shockwave therapy is to force the body’s natural healing system to become activate and do the self-healing to repair its tissues.

Such treatment is a highly effective treatment method for painful areas, tendons, muscles and bones, and urology systems as well.

How Does The Shockwave Treatment Works?

The shockwave therapy’s also been in physiotherapists by using lower energy that been use in the treatment of many physio conditions, which involves connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons.

In general, the physiotherapists are using the shockwave for stubborn tissues that don’t respond to the traditional way of physio treatments such as exercise and massages.

Most of the users are reported less pain after using the shockwave, and there are visible signs of the body’s self-healing at the area within six weeks after the treatment.

Shockwave treatment should be done every three to six weeks for about five to seven minutes after the regular physiotherapy in each session.

There are many types of shockwave treatments machines in the market, but for erection dysfunction, this is the best in the market so far.

It will repair the damaged tissues around that organs, which are causing the blood flow from going to that organs within only a few sessions without using the harmful drugs, which can cause serious health issues with many side effects.

Most Benefits of Using Shockwave Therapy Treatments

1- Non-harmful solution for erection dysfunction, chronic pains, kidney and gallstone therapy

2- Cost-effective for the best result

3- No anesthesia needed, Painless and harmless

4- Excellent for physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthopedics, rehabilitation, and pain therapy.

5- Best treatment for tendinopathies, myofascial trigger points

6- Stress Fractures

7- Muscles and connective tissues

8- No side effects

9- Most the insurances are offering the coverage for this type of treatments

10- The success rates are almost 91% after eight and more treatments

Side Effects of Shockwave Treatments

Shockwave treatments are not recommended for the following conditions:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Blood circulation disorder
  • Nerve damages
  • Infections
  • Existing of any Tumor
  • Open wounds
  • If you are using blood-thinning medications

Medical Uses of Shockwave Treatment

The number one and most common use of shockwave therapy is for treating kidney stones and gallbladder stones.

Shockwave treatment is using an acoustic pulse to do such procedures and break up the stone with minimal collateral damages.

The new way of using shockwave treatment instead of Viagra to do a permanent cure for men’s erection dysfunction issues with no side effects.

Common Side Effects of Viagra are As Follow:
  • Heart attack
  • A painful, long-lasting erection
  • Hearing loss
  • Increase intraocular pressure
  • Decrease blood supply to optic nerves and causing vision loss
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Blushing
  • Insomnia (a sleep disorder)
  • Muscle pain
  • Abnormal vision
  • Upset stomach
  • Nasal congestion

If you are not suffering from any type of tumor or prostate cancer, recommended going for the shockwave therapy treatment, which is harmless and has a minimum of side effects.

The result is permanent, and you can go back to your normal stage just after a few sessions.

It recommended contacting your doctor for shockwave treatment if you are suffering from erection dysfunction and end all the frustration and stress in your life and also save your relationship.

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