What Are Uterine Fibroids and Can They Become Cancerous?

Many pre-menopausal and postmenopausal women develop uterine fibroids. These are usually benign growths that are made up of connective tissue and smooth muscle.

Fibroids are generated by the thick uterine wall and can vary in size from very small or the size of the head of a pin to the size of a melon.

They can develop in various parts of the uterus.

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Morning Sickness and Miscarriage In Pregnant Women

Morning sickness among pregnant women is a common experience of discomfort. It’s actually one the most talked about and unpleasant aspect of being pregnant. People believe in different things about morning sickness.

Some think it’s a sign of healthy pregnancy while others trash it saying there is nothing to confirm the fact. Studies have been conducted by leading medical research groups and it has been found that morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting during pregnancy is a sign of lower chances of miscarriage.

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Weaning Baby off Your Milk – How to Stop Breastfeeding

It is good to breastfeeding your baby for at least the first six months of her life as your milk contains colostrum, which helps to increase the immunity of your baby.

The decision to stop breastfeeding your child or weaning her off your milk is a decision that you alone can make, along with your child’s cooperation.

Solid foods are recommended for babies by the age of six months. So around that time the number of breastfeeds can decrease.

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Adenomyosis Symptoms and Treatment

You have heard about some women who have long, unusual and painful periods which is one of the symptoms of adenomyosis.

Maybe you are one of these women. The problem can be related to adenomyosis. You have to check it with your doctor. Either you are involved with adenomyosis or not, now that you are on this page you want to know about it and you ask what adenomyosis is and what does it do. Why it causes so much problems sometimes?

What is Adenomyosis? Continue reading “Adenomyosis Symptoms and Treatment”

The Problem of Ovarian Cysts

The ovaries are two almond-sized and -shaped organs that are found on each side of a woman’s uterus. Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid that can be found inside or on the surface of the ovaries.

Ovarian cysts can occur at any time of a woman’s life and most do not cause discomfort or pain disappearing even without treatment in a few months.

In some cases, however, the symptoms of ovarian cysts are serious especially if they have ruptured. These symptoms can resemble those of other conditions such as an ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, appendicitis, or ovarian cancer.

So the symptoms alone will not signify the presence of ovarian cysts and there may not in fact be any symptoms at all.

However, you can be alert for the following symptoms, which should indicate that you should go in for a pelvic examination: irregularities in the menstrual cycle with pain in the pelvis before it begins or ends; a persistent or dull ache affecting the lower back and thighs; bowel pain; sensation of nausea, vomiting or tenderness in the breasts; a heavy kind of feeling in the abdomen; and an inability to empty your bladder completely. Continue reading “The Problem of Ovarian Cysts”

Throwing Light on Female Menopause

Female menopause occurs because estrogen and progesterone levels decrease and as a consequence of this the production of ova stop. There is a permanent cessation of menstruation and a woman will no longer be able to conceive.

This is a time when a woman feels that her essence of femininity is diminishing and as it is accompanied by quite a few physical and emotional changes it can be an overpowering time for her.

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